English translation for "the spiritual boxer"
- 神打
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Acclaimed director liu chia - liang used the deleightful sequel to his original million - dollar smasch , the spiritual boxer , to create , virtually single - . . 一次赶尸期间,因同时赶著九具尸体上路,顾此失彼下,走失了两具僵. . | | 2. | Acclaimed action director liu chia - liang makes a mind - boggling directorial debut in the spiritual boxer , which not only quickly established liu as a g . . 汪禹与师父江洋自称擅于神打而浪迹江湖,后江洋被捕,汪禹则遇正直少女林珍奇,引为知己,同闯江湖 | | 3. | Acclaimed director liu chia - liang used the deleightful sequel to his original million - dollar smasch , the spiritual boxer , to create , virtually single - handedly the kung - fu supernatural film . years prior to other filmmakers who owe their success to him 以少林功夫片闻名的刘家良,这次打的是僵尸功夫。片中刘家荣与汪禹饰演以赶尸为业的师徒。 |
- Similar Words:
- "the spirit shroud-ghost armor" English translation, "the spirit still exists" English translation, "the spiriting away of sen and chihiro" English translation, "the spirits of the swords" English translation, "the spirits of yesterday" English translation, "the spiritual food" English translation, "the spiritual man" English translation, "the spiritual stimuli" English translation, "the spiritual world" English translation, "the spitfire" English translation